Warranty Policy for New Autoclaves and TIVA Washers
• Claims are for NEW autoclaves and TIVA Washers only (reconditioned units are covered by a separate warranty).
• There is a two (2) year warranty on T-EDGE, EZ9P, EZ10P, EZ10kP, 3870 EAP, EZ9Plus & EZ11Plus models. There is a one (1) year warranty on any TIVA Line Washer, Elara11, M (manual autoclaves).
• Warranty Travel reimbursement will be paid for each completed call: $100.00 for up to 60 miles of traveled. An additional $50.00 for every additional 50 miles traveled.
• Warranty parts will be reimbursed in accordance with this warranty policy.
• Claims will be reimbursed for Parts, Labor and Travel ONLY.
• You may use your standard work order as a claim form or request a claim form from Tuttnauer (see below for items required on the form).
• Claims for reimbursement or credit must be submitted to us within 120 days of the warranty work.
• Warranty Labor will be paid at a fixed rate of $130.00 per hour, billed in ¼ hour increments (based on the repair schedule on the reverse side). Our Warranty Administrator has FINAL say on requested labor hours. Labor hours may be reduced in accordance with Tuttnauer standards.
• Parts purchased from Tuttnauer will be reimbursed for warranty work at Tuttnauer’s wholesale price (at the time of purchase) plus a 10% markup.
• Warranty Parts installed by an unauthorized service technician will be credited at Tuttnauer’s wholesale price only. Parts not purchased from Tuttnauer will not be considered for any reimbursement.
• Warranty Labor and Travel are calculated per completed repair. If repeat trips are required to completely repair the original problem the claim will be calculated as if the problem had been corrected in a single trip.
• Tuttnauer’s Warranty for new autoclaves covers defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty does not cover installation, cleaning, maintenance, abuse or any type of in-service or user error calls. This warranty does not cover door gaskets and Hepa filters, which are considered wear items.
• The warranty status of any autoclave can be easily determined by calling the Tuttnauer Warranty Claims Dept. at ext. 189. The warranty status can also be determined by securing a copy of the owners invoice showing the purchase date and submitting a copy of that invoice with the claim. Warranties begin from the date of
• Claims submitted with incomplete information will be returned.
• Only 3 warranty claims for field work will be paid for any unit. Any autoclave experiencing more than 3 service calls during the warranty period must be returned to Tuttnauer for any additional warranty repairs.
• A service authorization return number must be obtained from the Tuttnauer Service Dept. prior to returning the unit (800-624-5836) @ ext. 433.
• All freight charges are the responsibility of the equipment owner.